2007 alumni of the Department of Information and Computing Science returned to their alma mater on the 10th anniversary of graduation

Youth flies, time flies, Zongye fragrance. On June 13, 2021, the tenth anniversary of graduation, a group of 32 Department of Information and Computing Science graduates of the College of Science returned to their alma mater under the organization of monitor Hongjie Dong and League branch secretary Shicang Zhang.

They visited the Wetland Park, library and gymnasium successively, and returned to the dormitory where they once lived. They were filled with emotion about the changes of years and the rapid development of the University. The friendship of former classmates is shown again in our intimate communication.

In the meeting room of the College of Science, president Changming Song presided over a back-to-school Symposium. President Song first extended a warm welcome to the students returning to school on the 10th anniversary of graduation and introduced the major breakthroughs made by the college in scientific research, discipline, faculty construction, enrollment and employment in recent years. During the communication, students introduced their development process after graduation, and actively offered suggestions for the development of the college in combination with the nature of their work and the characteristics of their fields. Everyone is full of confidence in their own future and the future of their alma mater. Everyone said that they would actively publicize their alma mater in their future work and life, strive to become a banner of the college facing the society, and let more people know their alma mater and pay attention to the development of their alma mater. At the same time, they hope their alma mater can complete the renaming task of the University as soon as possible. They believe this is also the expectation of all school members and the wish of all those who support and care about the development of the school.

After the symposium, all staff take a group photo as a souvenir. Just as the banner says, we of youth salute the youth dream and thank our alma mater. I hope every student of secondary engineering will go back to school more in the future. Alma mater is always a warm harbor for everyone! Alma mater will also pay attention to the development of every student!

Before the symposium, in order to express the hard training of college teachers and wish the college better and better, 2007 information technology graduates presented the college with beautiful bottles.

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