Henan Chui tian Technology Co., Ltd. visited the College of Science for inspection and exchange

In the morning of April 15, Dr. Zhu Mingfu, the General Manager of Henan Chuitian Technology Co., Ltd., and a group of 7 people visited the College of Science to conduct inspections and exchanges on the development and application of smart sensors, and the joint construction of industry-university-research cooperation bases. Fang Lili, Secretary of the Party Branch of the College of Science, Yang Linfeng, Deputy Dean of the College of Science, Ge Xianghong, Head of the Department of Physics, Deputy Head Zhang Xuehua, Dr. Zhang Kun, Dr. Yin Li, and some faculty representatives attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Fang Lili and Yang Linfeng first welcomed the arrival of General Manager Zhu Mingfu and his entourage, and Ge Xianghong introduced the faculty, disciplines, education, teaching, and scientific research team of our college. Zhang Xuehua introduced the policy of school-enterprise cooperation and hoped that the two sides could explore a development model with complementary advantages and win-win cooperation. General Manager Zhu Mingfu introduced the basic situation of Chuitian Technology and the layout of building a smart city, and focused on the current development needs for the direction of smart sensing. He hopes to strengthen close cooperation with the college to achieve sharing and win-win in scientific and technological innovation. Afterwards, the participants visited the laboratory. Yin Li and Zhang Kun introduced the development of the new gas sensor, and the two parties conducted in-depth discussions on some technical issues.

Through this visit, the mutual understanding between the College of Science and Henan Chuitian Technology Co., Ltd. has been deepened, and the development of a two-way exchange and cooperation platform has been actively promoted. (Correspondent Ge Xianghong)

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