
Physics discipline was established in 2005, the condensed matter physics was selected as the eighth batch of Henan Provincial level II key disciplines in 2012, and physics was selected as the ninth batch of Henan Provincial level I key disciplines in 2018.

After a long period of accumulation, the discipline of Physics has basically formed a discipline structure with condensed matter physics as the core, antistatic resistance combustion and super hard functional materials as the characteristics, theoretical calculations and numerical simulations as the support, and low-dimensional quantum physics and materials as the frontier. Three stable and distinctive research directions have been formed: the preparation and application direction of functional materials, the direction of quantum micro-nano optics, and the direction of theoretical calculation of low-dimensional quantum materials.

There are 37 members of the discipline of Physics, including 4 professors, 15 associate professors and 18 lecturers, including 27 with doctoral degrees, and a teaching and scientific research team with professors and doctors as the mainstay, young and middle-aged teachers as the backbone, and a reasonable age and knowledge structure has been initially formed.  In recent years, he has presided over 12 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and published 55 papers indexed by SCI.

We have three teaching and scientific research platforms of "Henan Electrostatics Inspection and Testing Center", "Henan Provincial Physics Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center", and "Zhengzhou Key Laboratory of Low-dimensional Quantum Materials and Devices", which could satisfy the needs of discipline development.