Applied Mathematics

Applied mathematics subject was founded in 1997. It was approved as the secondary discipline of school level key discipline in 2004 and the secondary discipline of provincial level key discipline in 2017. At present, the discipline has 28 teachers, including 23 doctors, 4 professors and 16 associate professors; It has provincial engineering mathematics teaching team, provincial excellent grass-roots teaching organization, applied mathematics department and higher mathematics curriculum group. It has two master's degree authorization points "mathematical theory and technology of complex systems" and "applied statistics".

Applied mathematics subject has formed two key research directions: partial differential equations and image processing, and combinatorial optimization and control of complex systems. Partial differential equation and image processing mainly study the well-posedness theory of partial differential equation, the long-time behavior of solution and its application in medical image processing. The combinatorial optimization and control of complex systems mainly focuses on the active control dynamics, stability, vibration and stabilization of flexible structure multi-body systems in the field of complex structure control engineering, so as to minimize the system cost and optimize the resource allocation.