Liu Chengyan, the Yellow River Scholar of Henan University, and Ding Jun, the Deputy Dean of College of Science of Henan University of Engineering, came to our college to give academic lectures

On July 2, at the invitation of the College of Science and the Zhengzhou Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Materials and Devices, Liu Chengyan, the Yellow River scholar of Henan University, and Ding Jun, the Deputy Dean of College of Science of Henan University of Engineering, came to our school to give academic report. More than dozens of people including Fang Lili, the Secretary of the Party Branch of the College of Science, Yang Linfeng, the Deputy Dean of the College of Science, teachers and students from the Department of Physics and the Physics Experiment Center attended the academic report. The report was presided over by Yang Linfeng.

Professor Liu has been engaged in the passivation of multi-element semiconductor solar cells for many years. He has unique research on the electronic structure and morphological characteristics of lead selenide quantum dots, as well as the study of silicon carbide defects and phonon modes of stacking structures. The report was Theoretical Research on Copper, Zinc, Tin and Sulfur Solar Cell Electrode Design, which is based on first-principles calculations, comprehensively considering the impact of the front and rear electrodes of the solar cell on the open circuit voltage and short-circuit current, and discusses how to improve the efficiency of the kesterite solar cell through interfacial doping.

Professor Ding Jun has focused on using first principles to study the physical properties of multi-ferroic materials and two-dimensional materials, as well as device design for a long time. His recent studies have found that the extremely weak interlayer coupling of two-dimensional van der Waals layered ferroelectric materials makes the non-volatile antiferroelectric/ferroelectric phase transition in the material an ideal platform for constructing tunnel junctions, which can change the crystal structure and electronics. The structure, especially the energy gap, brings new ideas and inspiration to the design and production of new two-dimensional non-volatile multi-state memory devices.

This report closely follows the advanced research directions, related to the research topics of our young teachers. We had a detailed exchange of research content and methods. The report is of high level and precise content, involving the design, performance control of new low-dimensional quantum materials and devices. It is a good chance for us to communicate with experts. (Correspondent/Zhang Niu Photography/Li Meng)

Previous: Senior engineer Dejin Xie, second-level researcher of Development and Planning Department of Henan Big Data Administration, came to our school for an investigation and discussion Next: The College of Science held a work promotion meeting for the Zhengzhou Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Materials and Devices

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